Loud Photography Studio Northumberland

Loud Photography Studio Northumberland
Images taken in the Loud studio in Ashington, near Newcastle upon Tyne.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Senior Portraits

Hugely popular in America, senior portraits are also becoming more popular in the UK now!

Think school photos but with a little more wisdom!

If you're in your twilight years and want to leave a lasting memory for your offspring why not pop in for a photo session and get a beautiful framed portrait?

We had these two in today, been married 56 years!

Portrait sessions start at just £50 and include a 12"x8" photo in a 16"x12" handmade wooden frame.

We also have a great deal for larger family groups - £75 including a 12"x8" print of the group shot for EVERY person in the photo!

To book your senior photo session, or if you want to photograph the whole family call the studio - 01670 813007.

We look forward to creating
Affordable, Priceless Memories!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Amazing Easter Photo Offer - Ends This Weekend!

Our brilliant £10 photo shoot offer ends Sunday!

If you want a HUGE fully retouched 18"x12" photo of your family for just £10 contact the Loud and Flashy photography studio in Ashington, Northumberland NOW!

Call - 01670 813007

Thursday, 2 April 2015

A little test with a reward for you!

As part of our testing to see which is best for our marketing we're testing our blog against social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

If you've signed up to this blog by entering your email address on the right hand side of the screen, you'll receive this post in an email.

Forward that email to our email address - info@loudandflashy.com  and we'll send you a £25 gift voucher!

Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


We have a promotion running over the Easter holidays to see just how effective our blog is compared to Facebook and other social media!

If you'd like a photoshoot and a HUGE 18"x12" fully retouched photo for FREE just call the studio and quote 'Blogspot'!

Spaces are limited so don't delay!

Call 01670 813007 NOW!

Sessions are available on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th of April.