Loud Photography Studio Northumberland

Loud Photography Studio Northumberland
Images taken in the Loud studio in Ashington, near Newcastle upon Tyne.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Back them up!

Anyone that's spoken to me in the studio knows that one of my biggest moans is people not backing up or printing the photos they take.

It's never been easier to take a photo, most kids have phones with cameras built in; and point and shoots have got to a price where they're almost a disposable item!

But how many of you bother to back up the images? 

Those of you feeling smug that you've copied them on to your laptop or PC can wipe the smile off of your faces! Ever experienced a hard drive failure?

External hard drives are so cheap, as are blank CDs. Please buy one or the other (or both) and copy your images to them AS WELL as your laptop or PC.

Or, go retro! Print your images and put them in an album (or shoebox, or anywhere they're safe) for future generations.

It would be a shame for the generation that has the easiest access to photography, to grow up and not be able to show their kids their grandparents!

As I feel so strongly about this, we've decided to extend our Family Generations photo offer up until we close for Christmas. The details are in the image below, but basically you bring as many family members for a group photo as you like and EVERYONE gets a 12"x8" copy of the chosen photo, even the youngest members, so that in years to come they can look back at the whole family. The price? £75.  
Normally 12"x8" prints are £20 each, so even a session with just four family members will save money!

Book yours now, but before you do, please go and back up your own photos!!

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